Once a small adjustment is made to VR1 the radio must be powered off and then back on again, this must be done every time an adjustment is made until there is no open squelch heard. Make all adjustments in very small steps, and be sure to increase or decrease the squelch threshold on a frequency without tone squelch enabled. Adjusting the squelch circuit is performed by adjusting VR1 clockwise to raise the squelch threshold (this pot varies the reference voltage for the CPU so it will know when to turn on or off the squelch circuit).

After adding the resistor the squelch setpoint might need to be readjusted using the VR1 potentiometer. This can be modified to have even better sensitivity by adding a 480K-Ohm resistor to R151 where it connects to pin 5 of IC105. The squelch on the TK-931’s is a comparator circuit. They can be purchased directly from East Coast Transistor or Pacific Coast Parts. The power cord connector female pins that fit the above plug is Kenwood part number E23-0614-05 and can be purchased for $0.38 per pin as of March 2016. The power cord plug is Kenwood part number E09-0273-05 and are SOLD OUT meaning they can NO longer be purchased for $1.47 as of July 2013. The power connectors on the TK-931 were manufactured by JST and they were a unique Kenwood connector.
If you are trying to track down the Kenwood TK-931 power cable connectors and pins so you can make your own power cables you could have gotten them from East Coast Transistor or Pacific Coast Parts- they are no longer available.

Molex 15 Pin Plug Male Pins are Digikey Part Number: WM3680CT-ND Molex 15 Pin Plug is Digikey Part Number: WM1228-ND If you are missing the 15 Pin Male Molex Plug that plugs into the rear of the TK-931 they can NO LONGER be ordered from Digikey as they are discontinued by Molex. TK-931 15 Pin Molex Connector Plug and Pins